What's with the Bishies??

*LOL* Well you certainly ask the right questions, don’t you? ;) Again this is a long explanation and has a LOT to do with anime (again). A lot of people I am surrounded by are all anime lovers as I am… many of them female. And there is one thing that female anime lovers adore and that is Bishounen (Jap. Literally ‘Pretty Boy’). *sweats* well this starts with Rizzen actually. That character was created by the DM of the game, (my cousin), and he was deliberately made to be extremely beautiful (notice I said beautiful... not handsome). In fact his comeliness stat was like a 30 or something.

Well anyway, I took over the character to help her out because I had been lurking the game for a long time and knew she was stressed with keeping up such a large cast. She was reluctant at first, thinking I would destroy the character’s nature as I normally play grunt warriors or sneaky bardic types. I assured her that I wouldn’t do anything she wouldn’t do normally, and since we’re family she had a direct connection with me anyway. So then I became Rizzen.

It was the HARDEST character I ever played!!!

He is so passive and gentle-natured and it’s hard to hit on women when you overshadow THEM. Not to mention the fact that he starts attracting men by default. Needless to say playing Rizzen changed my whole outlook on the gaming experience. I thought about it and said, you know… these are not lines that are normally crossed in a game. Sure guys play girls and vice versa, but how often do you have an androgynous guy who could be mistaken as a girl? :D The thought was hilarious. There have been times I just laughed so hard at situations that I probably broke something. Not only that, it tosses the whole sexual orientation lines into the game which is a whole new ball game. (Rizzen was somewhat bisexual in that he was obsessed with his own brother… now THAT was a challenge to deal with! *LOL*).

So I considered that to be a challenge to me as a player. Characters are just that, characters. Just because I wouldn’t do half of what they actually DO, doesn’t mean that I should stop them from doing it. So I kept making them and eventually ended up with the extremist Kinno. So that’s the 411 on this issue.